pp108 : Fields for Configuring MDM Service Groups

Fields for Configuring MDM Service Groups

This topic describes the fields required to create the MDM service groups.

Table 1. Fields on the Backend Details Tab




Type a name for the service group. Do not provide multibyte characters in the name of the service group.

Service Group

Type common name for the service group. Do not provide multibyte characters in the name of the service group.

Create Database Content

Select this option to create MDM database content.


Table 2. Fields on the Initial Settings Tab



Hub Publisher

When selected, marks this as a Hub publisher. If this option is not selected the application connector is configured as a spoke publisher.

Use different database for application

When this option is selected the application content is not placed in the same database as the MDM content. Hence, you must provide the database details for the application content in the Application tab.

Network Configuration

Machine name and Port number together are used to form a syncup ring between all the service containers within this service group for exchanging cache information, load balancing, and failover messages. To provide or modify the Machine name and Port number manually, you can select the Manual check box and do one or both of the following as per your requirement:

  • Modify the Machine Name or IP Address value with the required machine name or IP address.
  • Provide an unused free port number in the Port Number field.
    Note: By default, the Manual option is not selected and the framework automatically assigns the machine name and an unused free port number.
    You must restart the service container to apply the change.

On the Repository tab, you must provide the database details where you want the MDM content to be placed. Similarly, in the Application tab you must provide the database details where you want the application content to be placed.
Table 3. Fields on the Repository Tab or the Application Tab

Field Name



Name of the database configuration


Description of the database configuration


If you choose JDBC as the database driver, the associated fields are filled. Refer to JDBC Interface details for more information.


If you choose OLEDB as the database driver, the associated fields are filled. Refer to OLEDB Interface details for more information.

Advanced Options

Refer to Advanced Properties for more information.

Select Database Configuration

If you want to create a database configuration, select the New Database Configuration option from the Select Database Configuration drop-down list.

Note: After providing the details in the fields, click to save the changes.